Monday, January 25, 2010


Hello everyone?

How was your weekend? Health-wise....mine was not the best. My brother is visiting from Utah and got in Friday night, so we went out for pizza. I had two pieces. The next day, I was supposed to go to school but the weather was supposed to be bad and I didn't want to get stuck at school or risk getting into an accident in our new car, so I stayed home. I ate what i had packed for lunch though, which was a turkey sandwich, grape tomatoes, and grapes. But then when the roads didn't get too bad we went for a late Birthday dinner at Applebee's. I was pretty good though and had fish with rice and steamed veggies and only ate half of it. On Sunday, my sister came over and we watched the football games (I don't like football, but I watched anyway) and had snack foods, little smokies with bbq sauce, chips and dip, pizza , carrots and celery sticks. So it was fun...but now I need to stick to my health plan. I did step on the scale yesterday and I gained less than a pound, so I am hoping I didn't undo all my work last week. ugh.

On a different note, I spent a long time working on my grocery list and every meal I picked is low-fat! I even have two vegetarian meals this week. Here is menu:

Bean and Cheese burritos with Spanish Rice

Sesame Tofu Stir-fry

Rosemary Pork Chop Skillet and Pasta

Lemon Chicken Pasta Toss and Steamed veggies

Oven BBQ Chicken with corn on the cob and potatoes

Yum...sounds good, huh? If you want any of the recipes just message me, but I will most likely post a couple as I make them.

Have great week!

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